Quote of the Week

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 24

What's the best thing that could ever happen? What's the worst? To you, to someone else, to a character - explore this with your writing.

Challenge: Write a could-be memoir - something that could happen to you in the future or something that could have happened in the past.

Tip: Keep reality in check when writing. Even fantasy has a realistic/not realistic line. It's not realistic for a character to have every bad thing in their life happen to them in the course of a day. Likewise, it's not realistic for a character to have a long expanse of time when nothing goes wrong and everything is euphoric. Your story may be fictional, but it should still be within the realm of reality. Exception: dreams, drug influenced conscious, satire, and things of that nature.

Ready. Set. Imagine.

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