Listen to Seaside by the Kooks. Write a story with a tone similar to the song.
Challenge: Tell the story in a series of things you find or have like pictures, quotes, drawings, newspaper article, etc. It can be fictional or real, but find a way to tell the story using minimal writing. It should help your story telling techniques - something that needs a strong foundation to write well.
Tip: Tone can be something that you have in mind before you write or comes along the way. But tone can be a tricky thing. The words you use, the images you present, the symbols and metaphors you use all contribute to the tone. Harsh images and words will bring about harsh tones; softer ones, however, will give the reader calmer feelings. It's a bit like terrible cookies that mothers make but you still eat them. Why? Because they "make them with love." Your writing can be horrendous or choppy but as long as you put your feelings into the words, it won't be bland. You can edit to make something better, but if there's no feeling it's not worth editing.
Ready. Set. Listen
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